About Us

Tong Fei

Date : Mar.28, 2024


Personal Profile

Dr. Tong Fei, Director of Security Research and Associate Researcher, Institute of West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Deputy Director of Gulf Research Center Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

E-mail: tongfei@cass.org.cn

Major Academic Achievements


1. A Study of Modernization in the United Arab Emirates, Social Sciences Academic Press, June 2013.

2. Chronicles of Oman, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2nd edition, September 2017.


1. Analysis on the Characteristics and Trends of the Security Situation in the Gulf Region and the Path of China's Participation in Governance, World Social Sciences, No. 4, 2023.2. "High-quality Belt and Road Cooperation between China and Africa: Concepts, Foundations, dilemmas and Responses", World Socialist Studies, No. 11,2022.

3. "The Rise and Fall of Islamic Socialism in Libya and its Lessons", Beijing Social Sciences, No.12, 2022.

4. The Middle East Upheaval and the Dilemma and Prospect of Regional Security, Middle East Studies, No.2, 2022.

5. "The Belt and Road Initiative and New Changes in China-UAE Relations", Middle East Studies, No. 1, 2020.

6. The UAE: Domestic and Foreign Policy Adjustments and Prospects in the face of COVID-19, the Middle East Yellow Book, published in October 2021.



Tong Fei, Reflection on the causes of unrest and the road of industrialization in Egypt,Middle East Development Report 2014~2015.

Tong Fei, Economic Development Strategy of Kuwait and the "Belt and Road" Initiative, Arab World Studies, No 6,2016.

Tong Fei, How does Chinese enterprises to enter the Middle East under the framework of the Belt and Road, Journal of Chinese Social Sciences, 9th, Nov 2017.

Tong Fei, Research on Brain Drain and Talent Return in the Middle-East and African Countries, National think tank Report: Research on international Talent Strategy in Asia, Africa and Latin America, China Social Science Press, May,2016.

Tong Fei,UAE and the Belt Road Initiative,the Middle East and Africa developments Report(2015~2016),2016.

Tong Fei. Deepening cooperation between China and Egypt under the framework of the Belt and Road, International Economic Cooperation,No12,2016.

Tong Fei. A Comparative Study on the Modernization of Dubai and Hong Kong. West Asia and Africa. No.8. 2011.

Tong Fei. An Analysis of the Modernization Process in the United Arab Emirates. West Asia and Africa. No.5. 2010.

Tong Fei. Investment Market in the United Arab Emirates.West Asia and Africa.No.3. 2009.

Tong Fei. Investment Markert in the Sultanate of Oman. West Asia and Africa.No.10. 2008.

Tong Fei The Position of the Middle East on the World Natural Gas Market. ,2004.

Tong Fei. Population Control and Sustainable Development, Report on the developments in the Middle East and Africa No.62002~2003:Sustainable Development . 2003.

YangGuang& TongFei, Population control and sustainable development in West Asia and Africa, Selections on Economic Issues in West Asia, Social Sciences Academic Press,2016.6.