Zhu Quangang
Institute of West-Asian and African Studies
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
No.1 National Stadium North Rd, Olympic Village, Chaoyang,
Beijing 100101
Positions Held
June 2023- Deputy Secretary-general of the Chinese Association for Middle East Studies.
June 2023-Associate Researcher, Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
October 2020- Deputy Director of the Centre for Middle East Development and Governance Studies,Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
April2017-May2023Assistant Researcher, Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
July 2014-April2017Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of World History,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
Research Interest
1. Civil-military Relations in the Middle East
2. International Relations of the Contemporary Middle East
1. Visiting Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Utrecht University, Utrecht (August2018)
Research Project
1.“Proxy Wars in the Middle East Since the Arab Spring”,funded byChinese Academy of Social Sciences,2021-2023 (host)
2. “Political Development in the West-Asian and AfricanCountries”, funded by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,2022-2027(responsible for Iraq and Yemen cases)
Selected Publications
Zhu Quangang, Civil-Military Relations in the Arab Countries: The Cases of Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Iraq, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2020.
Wang Lincong, Zhu Quangang, Friendly Cooperation Between China And Egypt, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2020.
Zhu Quangang, "Minilateralism: New Trend of the US Middle East Policy",Contemporary World, May2023, pp.51-56.
Zhu Quangang, "Proliferation, Application and Security Implication of Military Drones in the Middle East",West Asia and Africa, October 2022, pp.109-134.
Zhu Quangang, "Ten Years of Upheaval in Yemen: From Governance Crisis to Proxy War",Middle East Studies, November2021, pp.60-80.
Zhu Quangang, "The Iraq War Launched by The United States Seriously Damaging the Interests of the Islamic World”,RedFlag, July 2021, pp.38-39.
Zhu Quangang, "The Rise of Multiple Armed Forces in Yemen and Its Governance Predicaments”,Arab World Studies, July 2019, pp.36-53.
Zhu Quangang, "Civil-Military Relations of Turkey and the 1974 Cyprus War", Turkish Studies, September 2018, pp.63-77.
Zhu Quangang, "On the Economic Activities of the Turkish Army and Their Impacts",West Asia and Africa, April 2018, pp.66-86.
Zhu Quangang,"The Deadlock and Solution of the Yemen Crisis from the Perspective of Geopolitics", Contemporary World, April 2018, pp.66-69.
Zhu Quangang,"Analysis of the Problems on Military in National Reconstruction of Iraq", Arab World Studies, July 2016, pp.87-103.
Zhu Quangang, "The Global Ambitions of the Organization of the Islamic State and Their Impacts on China", Journal of International Relations, December 2015,pp.72-83.
Zhu Quangang, "Civil-Military Division in Egypt and the Third Middle East War", Military Politics Review, January 2015, pp.36-46.
Zhu Quangang & Wang Lincong, "On the Military's Role in Upheaval and the Political Transformation in Egypt", West Asia and Africa, June 2014, pp.82-97.
Zhu Quangang,"The Political Situation in the Middle East and Its Prospects(2021~2022)", Annual Report on Developmentin the Middle East No.24(2021-2022),Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2022, pp.43-58.
Wang Lincong, ZhuQuangang, Ma Xueqing, “Evaluation and Prospect of the Relations between China and Western Asian Countries in 2020”, Development Report on the Relations between China and Neighboring Countries (2020), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2021, pp.78-107.
Zhu Quangang,"The Development and Trend of Civil War in Yemen", Annual Report on Developmentin the Middle East No.20(2017-2018),Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018, pp.223-237.
Zhu Quangang,"China and UAE Jointly Building of the Belt and Road: Achievements, Dynamicsand Prospect", Annual Report on Developmentof "The Belt and Road" Construction(2018), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018, pp.57-72.
Zhu Quangang, "New Changes of Yemen Crisis and its Prospect",in Yang Guang(ed.),Annual Report on Development in the Middle East No.18(2015-2016),Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016, pp.230-245.
Zhu Quangang,"Pseudo-multilateralism a losing bet",China Daily,2023/8/18,https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202308/18/WS64dea95ba31035260b81ccb5.html.
Zhu Quangang, "Coup truth uncertain, but turmoil likely",Global Times, 2016/7/18,http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/994985.shtml.
Zhu Quangang, "Behind the Scene of Saudi-Turkey coming closer",China National Defense Newspaper, 2016/2/19.